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Use ReactJS to develop a Map Analytics tool that presents data in visual format.
Full Stack Engineers are trained to deal with challenges across the entire application, from user experience issues to database optimizations. This problem-solving ability is crucial for entry-level IT professionals who need to quickly address issues and find effective solutions. You'll wear the hat of a Full Stack Engineer and develop a Frontend Map Analytics tool using ReactJS. You'll become familiar with React Mapbox project, as well as gain a strong foundation in React development and map integration. Maps are a powerful tool for visualizing complex data sets that have a geographical component. Full Stack Engineers can leverage map analytics to display data points, trends, patterns, and relationships - making it easier for users to grasp insights. Building on this foundation, you may naturally explore and learn additional technologies and concepts that complement your skills and expand your capabilities. All this will happen in an environment that simulates the operations of a real Full Stack team.
Get to know the Build Fellow and other students, ask questions about the project requirements, prepare your workspace.
Set up the application using Node.js and npm, installing various dependencies and create your first react component.
Build a landing page;using various front-end languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript; Work on integrating MapboxJS.
Work on fetching data from a source and required post processing for MapboxJS library. Work on plotting that dataset on the map.
Create your own GitHub repository and add UI functionalities related to MapboxJS.
Add frontend elements (dropdowns and sliders) and connect them with our dataset.
Publish your updates to GitHub and work on finalizing all the past weeks deliverables.
Polish your project deliverables and present them to the Build Fellow and other students in the final group session.
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Shubham is a Senior Software Engineer at Rhombus Power Inc where he works on developing and managing full stack application supporting the company's client needs using language like React, PHP, MySQL and Python. Shubham has 4 of years of experience in Software Engineering and Full Stack Development.