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Build a stronger, safer, smarter you—learn how kinesiology prevents injuries and boosts performance!
Applied kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement, focusing on how the body’s anatomical structures interact to produce efficient and effective motion. In the realm of sport-specific biomechanics, applied kinesiology delves into the mechanics of actions such as sprinting, jumping, and throwing, analyzing how athletes can optimize their movement patterns to maximize performance. By understanding the body’s kinetic chain and muscle function, students learn how to enhance athletic abilities through precise technique adjustments and targeted training programs.
Applied kinesiology also plays a crucial role in identifying injury mechanisms—such as overuse, improper form, or biomechanical imbalances—and creating injury prevention strategies that maintain optimal movement efficiency while reducing risk. Rehabilitation and corrective exercises are then used to restore functional movement post-injury, emphasizing balance, strength, and coordination to safely return athletes to peak performance.
For students pursuing careers in sports, physical therapy, or health science, applied kinesiology bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in optimizing human movement.
Who are we? What are our career interests? What industry tendencies call your attention the most? What will our project look like? What the final deliverable looks like?
Examine how different sports, such as sprinting, jumping, or throwing, require unique movement patterns and mechanical demands (fast twitch fibers). Understand certain patterns that helps optimize athletic performance.
You will apply biomechanical principles such as force vectors, impulse, and momentum. Critically assess sport-specific movements using biomechanical metrics such as joint angles, torque, and ground reaction forces. You will develop strategies to enhance intermuscular coordination.
You will examine the complex and technical biomechanical factors of improper kinetic movement that contribute to injuries, and develop real life strategies, using principles of human anatomy and kinetics, to improve movement patterns, reduce stress on joints, and enhance overall injury resilience.
You will examine the biomechanical factors that contribute to injuries and develop strategies to improve movement, whilst creating an injury prevention program for a certain athlete of your choosing.
Applying kinesiology principles to restore functional movement after injury.
Applying kinesiology principles to restore functional movement after injury.
The fun part. Present a 4-6 Slide powerpoint to class about an athlete of their choosing with specific injuries regarding what you have learnt in previous sessions. For example, a basketball player with Tendinitis, stress fractures, shin splints. What ligaments, muscles, bones are being used? How can we prevent this from happening again by making an injury prevention program?
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Rhys Smith is a Health & Wellness Fellow at Open Avenues, where he works with students leading projects in Health & Wellness. Rhys is a program director and a character coach at Hi-NRGre he focuses on Gymnastics, which builds confidence in athletes whilst coaching them to achieve their goals.
Rhys has over one year of experience in the Health and wellness field. He holds a bachelor's degree in Physical Education Teaching and coaching and an MBA in Sports management. A fun fact about Rhys is that he has been playing rugby for 19 years and still playing to this day!