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Use Node.js to create APIs that allow company employees to follow the security compliance while sharing their passwords.
In this Build Project, you'll wear the hat of a Full Stack Web Developer and develop a tool to store & securely share passwords. Under the supervision of an experienced Build Fellow, you'll write Node.js code to create the login, signup, save password, share password, list passwords APIs, and create a user interface to access the same. You’ll become familiar with Full Stack Development, REST API development, Relational Database management system, Cryptography, Reusable UI components, Glitch and Retool. All this will happen in an environment that simulates the operations of a real Full Stack Development team.
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Bhupendra Thakur is a Software Development Fellow at the Open Avenues Foundation, based in Edison, New Jersey.
Currently, he works as a Senior Engineer at and has been writing code since 2006. Originally from India, Bhupendra holds a degree in Computer Science. In his free time, he enjoys exploring new places and reading opinion pieces about important events.