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Introduction to drug discovery

Learn about different pieces of the puzzle of the drug discovery process by developing drug candidates that target thymidylate kinase from Plasmodium falciparum (PfTMK) to tackle Malaria.

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8 weeks, 2-3 hours per week
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Degree and experience required


The goal of this Build Project is to do a deep dive on what is involved in a drug discovery project through focusing on developing drug candidates targeting thymidylate kinase from Plasmodium falciparum (PfTMK) to tackle malaria. You will navigate different stages of the drug discovery process, what techniques can be used at different stages, what to expect at different stages, what potential challenges are, and how to tackle challenges that arise. In this Build Project, you will learn the principles behind a wide spectrum of state-of-the-art technologies utilized in the drug discovery process and understand which tools can be used to address specific questions. Knowledge from this project will greatly benefit those who are interested in a career in drug development.

By the end of this Build Project, you will have constructed a comprehensive slide deck illustrating your thought and decision-making process on how you would tackle this challenging drug discovery project.

Session timeline

  • Applications open
    January 16, 2025
  • Application deadline
    February 18, 2025
  • Project start date
    Week of July 8, 2024
    Week of
    March 10, 2025
  • Project end date
    Week of

What you will learn

  • Understand the general workflow of the drug discovery process: protein expression and purification, hit identification, hit characterization, and hit-to-lead process.
  • Gain a clear understanding about the principles behind powerful biophysical techniques (such as SPR, DLS, and DSF and when to use them) and data-driven decision-making.
  • Learn the principles behind powerful biochemical techniques in the drug discovery process (such as NADH-coupled assay, and ADP-Glo assay and when to use them) and data evaluation.
  • Learn the principles behind structural biology and its involvement within the structure-activity relationship in drug discovery projects.
  • Understand principles behind cell-based assays (such as NanoBRET assay) and animal studies, and how they contribute to the drug discovery process.
  • Learn about later stages of a drug discovery project, such as animal studies – when they should be carried out and what considerations to take.

Project workshops

Overview of drug discovery process and an introduction to malaria and PfTMK
Introduction to protein design, expression, and purification
Introduction to hit identification
Hit characterization using protein biophysics techniques
Hit characterization using protein biochemistry techniques
Structure-activity relationship and structural biology in drug discovery
Hit & lead characterization using cell-based techniques & animal studies
Project final presentations and Q&A session


  • Knowledge of molecular biology – more specifically, proteins: what they are, what they do.
  • Understanding of biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology, and cell biology on a conceptual level.
  • Critical thinking and decision-making – what is the most rational technique to use facing specific problems.

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About the expert

Mengshen Chen

Biological Sciences Fellow
DREAM Venture Labs

Mengshen Chen is a Biological Sciences Build Fellow at Dream Venture Labs, where he works with students leading projects in biological sciences.

Mengshen is a senior scientist, protein science at Valo Health, where he focuses on drug development projects.

Mengshen has over 10 years of experience in the biological sciences field, with over 7 years in academia and over 3 years in industry.

He holds a Ph.D. degree in biological sciences.

A fun fact about Mengshen is that he greatly enjoys cooking and plays basketball regularly.

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