
Hello! My name is Nataly Rahmo, and I currently work as an attorney. I came to the U.S. for the United Kingdom, which was quite a significant transition for me. Adapting to a new country, culture, and educational system presented challenges, but it was also an incredibly enriching experience that broadened my perspectives.  

I attended law school at Georgetown University Law Center, and during my time at Georgetown University, I explored various legal subjects and discovered my passion for advocacy. The skills and knowledge I gained during my time at Georgetown University have been instrumental in shaping my career path.  

As for how I got my job here, it was a combination of networking, perseverance, and honing my skills.  I actively sought opportunities, engaged with professionals in my field, and, importantly, sought mentorship. This guidance was instrumental in helping me secure a position where I could further develop my skills and contribute to meaningful projects.

My journey in the United States has been transformative, rewarding, and inspiring. The opportunities and experiences I've had here have significantly shaped my professional growth, demonstrating my adaptability and openness to new experiences.  

In my free time, I enjoy going to the beach, playing the violin, and delving into the captivating world of fantasy novels. These activities help me maintain balance and creativity in my personal and professional life.

Law Fellow

career options

A legal background can unlock numerous other opportunities. Its broad applicability permits the transfer of skills to fields beyond law. The ability to write, research, analyze, and advocate is a versatile tool that can be applied in a wide range of professions.
Government Attorneys
In-house Counsel
Judicial Clerks

Law Fellow


What are the main hard skills you use on a daily basis in your current job?

Research Skills

Law school emphasized the importance of research, theoretical and practical skills in the legal profession. Legal research, distinct from regular research, involves technical terms and legal search engines. I was introduced to this skill in my first year of law school and have since applied it in every class and every day as a practicing attorney. This skill is crucial as it aids in finding binding legal authority and relevant cases, and I use it daily to research laws, statutes, cases, and relevant facts for each assignment.

Writing Skills

Like research skills, law school emphasized the importance of writing. However, legal writing is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It requires specific formats and structures, but it also allows for individual expression and creativity. I use and enhance my writing skills daily, as it is the primary means through which I express myself as an attorney. Each assignment presents a unique purpose, audience, and tone, and my legal writing is tailored to these specificities.

Analytical Skills

I also learned analytical skills in law school. I utilized it in every class and now use it daily as an attorney. Analytical skills are essential because they allow you to understand and use the law and the facts to your advantage. Analytical skills also help you analyze the opposing party's pleadings, submissions, and strategies.

Advocacy Skills

Law school instilled in me the importance of advocacy and the role of an attorney as the best advocate for their client. This skill is continuously developed as I communicate with my clients and guide them to their best options. My advocacy skills have significantly improved as I practice, allowing me to understand and represent better my clients' wishes.


What are the main soft skills you use on a daily basis in your current job?

Emotional Intelligence

I learned emotional intelligence through self-awareness, relationship management, and conflict management. I practice this skill daily to understand and empathize with clients' needs and manage their conflicts effectively.


I developed this skill before law school and continue improving it through exposure to changing legal frameworks, client needs, and technologies. I practice it daily when adjusting to new client requirements and legal and matter developments. 

Time Management Skills

This skill is essential for any job or school. I utilize this skill to prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently to meet deadlines and to ensure the timely completion of tasks and projects.

Collaboration Skills

I use this skill to work effectively with colleagues, clients, and experts in other fields, especially in complex cases and coordinating with external experts. I learned it through team projects and previous work experiences.

Communication Skills

I have a bachelor's degree in international relations. That said, Law school taught me how to communicate like an attorney. As an attorney, you communicate with different people, for example, clients, judges, clerks, and the opposing parties. Each individual and each situation requires certain communication skills.


’s personal path

Tell us about your personal journey in

Law Fellow


I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Surrey with a bachelor's in International Relations. The diverse range of courses and extracurricular activities I engaged in during my time at the University of Surrey helped shape my passion for advocacy and a desire to make a difference in people's lives.  

Upon reflection, I realized that pursuing a career in law would allow me to combine my interest in advocacy with my goal of helping others navigate legal challenges. This realization led me to pursue a law degree, and I eventually enrolled in Georgetown University Law Center.  

During my time in law school, I immersed myself in coursework that focused on social justice issues, legal advocacy, and community service. I actively participated in moot court competitions, interned at legal aid organizations, and engaged in pro bono work to gain practical experience in advocating for marginalized communities.  

Upon graduating from law school and obtaining my Arizona and California Bar licenses, I embarked on a job search that demanded resilience, adaptability, and a deep commitment to making a positive impact. I sought opportunities that aligned with my values and allowed me to leverage my legal expertise to advocate for those in need.  

I utilized strategic networking, legal job boards, and professional associations, leveraged the connections I had built during law school and through internships, and attended industry conferences and legal association events.  

I applied online through work websites, such as LinkedIn. Additionally, I utilized these websites to connect with other legal professionals and expand my job search network.  

Some of my job interviews were rigorous. They required me to navigate challenging legal scenarios, demonstrate my expertise in various areas of law, and showcase my commitment to serving clients.  

All interviews presented an opportunity to highlight my legal knowledge and dedication to making a positive difference through my work. Triumphs came when I could connect with interviewers personally and professionally, emphasizing my passion for advocacy and helping others.  

It took sending out many applications and engaging in multiple rounds of interviews before I received an offer for my current position. This process required patience, persistence, and a willingness to learn from each rejection or setback. Every application and interview helped me refine my legal skills, enhance my interview techniques, and better position myself for the right opportunity.  

The job search journey as an attorney was emotionally demanding and filled with moments of doubt, uncertainty, and excitement. There were times when rejection letters felt disheartening, but each setback fueled my determination to continue pursuing my passion for advocacy and making a positive impact through the legal profession. Celebrating small victories, such as advancing to the next round of interviews or receiving positive feedback, helped me stay motivated and focused on my goals.  

In conclusion, navigating the job market as an attorney requires dedication, resilience, and a genuine passion. By embracing challenges, seizing unexpected opportunities, and staying true to your commitment to making a difference, students pursuing a career in law can navigate the job search process with determination and a sense of purpose.

What would you tell your younger you regarding building your current career?

I would share some words of wisdom and encouragement with my younger self.  

First, never lose sight of your passion for advocacy and your dedication to positively impacting others' lives.  

Your dream of becoming an advocate and helping people is noble and inspiring, but every path has its fair share of challenges and rewards. The legal profession is demanding and often intense, but your commitment and passion will help you persevere.  

Remember that success is not always linear, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey. Each rejection, each closed door, is an opportunity for growth and learning. Embrace these moments as chances to refine your skills, strengthen your resolve, and move closer to achieving your dreams.

Take the time to nurture your network of mentors, colleagues, and fellow advocates. Surround yourself with individuals who share your passion for justice and can offer guidance, support, and encouragement when needed. A strong support system is invaluable as you navigate the challenges of the legal profession.

Most importantly, always maintain faith in yourself and your abilities. Trust your education, your skills, and your unwavering commitment to making a difference in the world. Your journey may be challenging, but the rewards far outweigh the struggles.

Final thoughts & tips

To all the students currently navigating the challenges of law school or preparing to embark on this remarkable journey, I want to offer you a few final words of motivation and encouragement. Remember that your decision to pursue a career in law is a testament to your passion for advocacy, commitment to making a difference, and desire to serve those in need. The path ahead may be filled with hurdles and uncertainties, but it is also brimming with opportunities for growth, learning, and fulfillment.

Stay true to your values, remain dedicated to your goals, and always maintain sight of the impact you can make as a future attorney and advocate. Believe in the power of your voice, the strength of your convictions, and the potential of your future in the legal field. Remember that the legal profession is not just a career but a calling to stand up for the vulnerable, fight for the oppressed, and uphold the principles of justice and fairness. Trust in yourself and your abilities to navigate the complexities of law school and the legal profession with grace, integrity, and purpose.

Nataly Rahmo

Nataly Rahmo

Law Fellow
Open Avenues Foundation
Open Avenues Foundation
Nataly Rahmo is a Law Fellow at the Open Avenues Foundation, where she works with students leading projects in Writing. She holds a Juris Doctor Degree from Georgetown University Law Center.
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