
Greetings! My name is Abdul Aziz Al Alawi, and I am from the picturesque country of Oman. My journey into the world of material science and engineering began with a deep-seated curiosity about the properties and applications of different materials. Growing up in a region known for its rich natural resources, I was fascinated by how materials could be engineered to solve complex problems and drive innovation. This moment of inspiration eventually led me to pursue my undergraduate studies at The University of North Texas, where I majored in Materials Science and Engineering. During my time in the U.S., I conducted research on hip replacements and 3D-printed impeller, which further fueled my passion for advancing material technologies.

My professional path has been both diverse and rewarding. I began my career in the pharmaceutical sector with Nusil Technology, a company renowned for its cutting-edge work in material science. This initial role allowed me to explore the intricate world of materials used in pharmaceuticals and medical devices, laying a solid foundation for my future endeavors.

Currently, I am a Specialist Materials Engineer at Ambit Polyurethane, where my role encompasses a range of exciting and impactful responsibilities. I am specifically responsible for the development of polyurethane systems designed for 3D printing applications in the construction of buildings and residential structures. This involves conducting chemical synthesis of recycled plastic bottles, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) —a durable, lightweight plastic used in beverage bottles, food containers, and textiles. Known for its strength, chemical resistance, and clarity, PET is recyclable, often marked with the recycling code “1.” While it’s commonly recycled into new products, its environmental impact relies on effective recycling and disposal practices. I work closely with our R&D team to enhance this innovative technology. Our focus is on utilizing recyclable materials in polyurethane systems such as insulation, elastomeric binders, and coatings.  

Additionally, I assist in the development and evaluation of zero ozone depletion and low global warming potential blowing agents for polyurethane insulation systems. This role allows me to blend my technical expertise with a commitment to sustainability, continually advancing the field of material science.

One of the most intriguing aspects of my career has been witnessing the tangible impact of material innovations on real-world applications. From improving the functionality of medical devices to enhancing industrial products, the work I do at Ambit Polyurethane continually reinforces my passion for material science.

I look forward to sharing more about my experiences and the exciting developments in the field of material engineering.

Materials Engineer Fellow

career options

Materials Science and Engineering is a dynamic field that focuses on the discovery, design, and application of materials to meet various technological needs. This discipline blends principles from chemistry, physics, and engineering to innovate and solve real-world problems. Professionals in this field can explore a range of career paths, each offering unique challenges and opportunities.

Materials Engineer
Materials Scientist
Polymers Scientist
Ceramic Engineer

Materials Engineer Fellow


What are the main hard skills you use on a daily basis in your current job?

Polyurethane Material Development

This involves designing and optimizing polyurethane systems for various applications, including 3D printing and construction. I use this skill to develop formulations that enhance material properties such as durability and flexibility. I learned this through hands-on experience at Ambit Polyurethane and specialized training in material chemistry.

Material Property Characterization

This involves measuring and analyzing physical and chemical properties of materials, such as thermal stability, mechanical strength, and chemical resistance. I use this skill to ensure that materials meet specific performance criteria. I gained this expertise through advanced coursework and practical lab experience in materials science.

Regulatory Compliance and Standards

Understanding and applying industry regulations and standards, such as ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization), is crucial for ensuring that materials and products comply with legal and safety requirements. ASTM develops and publishes voluntary consensus standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services, while ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization that sets global standards for a variety of industries. I use this knowledge to guide the development and testing processes. This skill was developed through formal training and by staying updated with industry standards and regulations.

Statistical Analysis and Data Interpretation

Analyzing experimental data using statistical methods to draw meaningful conclusions and make data-driven decisions is a key skill. I use this to evaluate material performance and optimize formulations. I developed this skill through coursework in statistics and practical experience in data analysis during research projects.

Blowing Agents for Polyurethane Systems

Knowledge of environmentally friendly blowing agents used in polyurethane systems is essential for developing sustainable products. I apply this skill to select and optimize blowing agents that have low global warming potential and zero ozone depletion. This expertise was acquired through specialized training and experience in material formulation.

What are the main soft skills you use on a daily basis in your current job?

Effective Communication

Clear and concise communication is crucial for collaborating with team members, presenting research findings, and discussing project goals. I use this skill to explain complex technical concepts to non-engineers and ensure that project requirements are understood and met. I developed this ability through presentations, team meetings, and regular interactions with cross-functional teams.

Team Collaboration

Working well within a team is essential for the success of projects that involve multiple stakeholders. I collaborate with colleagues from R&D, manufacturing, and other departments to achieve project objectives. This skill was honed through group projects during my education and by working in diverse teams in previous roles.


The ability to identify, analyze, and resolve issues effectively is vital in materials engineering. I apply problem-solving skills to address challenges in material development and production processes, finding solutions that meet technical and performance requirements. This skill has been developed through hands-on experience and by tackling complex engineering problems throughout my career.

Critical Thinking

The ability to critically evaluate information, identify underlying issues, and make informed decisions is crucial. I use this skill to assess experimental data, troubleshoot problems, and optimize materials and processes. I developed critical thinking through rigorous analysis during my research projects and by continuously questioning and refining methodologies.

Time Management

Efficiently managing time and prioritizing tasks to meet deadlines is essential in a fast-paced work environment. I use this skill to balance multiple projects, ensure timely completion of tasks, and maintain productivity. Personally, I rely on tools like Trello for organizing tasks and deadlines and use Google Calendar to schedule and set reminders. Time management was cultivated through experience juggling various responsibilities and leveraging these planning tools to organize and prioritize work effectively.


’s personal path

Tell us about your personal journey in

Materials Engineer Fellow


Choosing a career in Material Science Engineering was a decision driven by my fascination with how materials can be engineered to meet specific needs and solve complex problems. I was particularly captivated by the endless possibilities in the field—from developing new materials with unique properties to improving existing ones for better performance. My studies at the University of North Texas equipped me with a strong foundation in the principles of materials science, but the journey from graduation to landing my first job was far from straightforward.

Graduating during the pandemic presented unique challenges. The job market was uncertain, and many companies had frozen hiring or were shifting to virtual operations. I found myself navigating a landscape that was both unfamiliar and daunting. I applied to numerous positions, ranging from entry-level roles to internships, and faced a series of virtual interviews and networking events. Each application and interview were a step toward understanding what companies were looking for and how I could align my skills and experiences with their needs.

One of the significant hurdles I encountered was the sheer volume of applications I sent out. It often felt disheartening to not receive responses or to face rejections after investing considerable time and effort. However, perseverance became my ally. I took every opportunity to learn and adapt, refining my resume, practicing interview techniques, and expanding my professional network.

My initial foray into the professional world was with Nusil, a leading pharmaceutical company. Here, I explored the application of advanced materials in pharmaceuticals, which laid a solid foundation for my understanding of material properties and their practical applications. This role provided valuable experience and insight into the complexities of materials used in medical devices.

Transitioning to my current position as a Specialist Materials Engineer at Ambit Polyurethane marked a significant milestone in my career. This role involves developing and optimizing polyurethane systems for innovative applications such as 3D printing in construction and creating sustainable materials from recycled plastics. Working closely with the R&D team, I focus on enhancing materials for various uses, including insulation and coatings, and developing environmentally friendly blowing agents.

Securing this position was a journey in itself, marked by a series of interviews and applications. The process taught me the importance of not only showcasing technical skills but also aligning with the company’s vision. Effective communication and understanding of the company’s specific needs were crucial. Each interaction was an opportunity to demonstrate how my expertise in materials science could contribute to their ongoing projects and objectives.

Through this journey, I’ve learned that finding a fulfilling role in Materials Engineering involves resilience and adaptability. It’s about finding a balance between technical competence and personal alignment with the company’s mission. The path has been rewarding, offering me the chance to contribute to groundbreaking projects and work with a team dedicated to advancing material technologies.

What would you tell your younger you regarding building your current career?

If I could talk to my younger self about building a career in Materials Engineering, I’d focus on something more personal: trust the journey and embrace the uncertainties along the way. There were times when the road ahead felt foggy and the path uncertain, especially during the challenges of job searching in a pandemic. It’s easy to get disheartened when things don’t go as planned, but it’s crucial to remember that each step, even the difficult ones, is a part of your growth. I’d tell myself to take a deep breath and trust that the effort you’re putting in now will eventually pay off. It’s okay not to have all the answers right away or to change direction when needed. Sometimes, the detours and unexpected turns can lead to the most rewarding experiences. Also, remember to be kind to yourself. It’s easy to be critical of your progress or to compare yourself to others, but every individual’s path is unique. Celebrate your small victories and learn from the setbacks; they are all valuable parts of your story. Additionally, focus on building relationships within your field during university. Connect with professors, fellow students, and industry professionals; these connections can provide invaluable guidance, support, and opportunities as you navigate your career. Lastly, cherish the relationships you build along the way. Seek advice, share your passions, and build connections with those who inspire you. These relationships will not only guide you but also enrich your journey in ways you can’t yet foresee. In essence, it’s about staying true to your passion, embracing the unknown with confidence, and trusting that persistence and self-compassion will guide you to where you want to be.

Final thoughts & tips

In conclusion, pursuing a career in Materials Engineering is both exciting and challenging, filled with opportunities to innovate and make a tangible impact. As you navigate your journey, remember that passion and curiosity are your greatest assets. Continuously seek knowledge, embrace practical experiences, and build strong professional networks. Don't be discouraged by setbacks; they are part of the path to success and growth. Balance your technical skills with soft skills, and always align your work with your personal values and goals. Stay persistent and patient, knowing that each step brings you closer to realizing your dreams. Your dedication and resilience will pave the way for a rewarding and fulfilling career in this dynamic field. Keep pushing boundaries, and never stop learning and growing.

Abdul Al Alawi

Abdul Al Alawi

Materials Engineer Fellow
Open Avenues Foundation
Open Avenues Foundation

I am a Specialist Materials Engineer at Ambit Polyurethane, where my role encompasses a range of exciting and impactful responsibilities. I am specifically responsible for the development of polyurethane systems designed for 3D printing applications in the construction of buildings and residential structures. This involves conducting chemical synthesis of recycled plastic bottles, polyethylene terephthalate (PET).

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Material Science and Engineering from University of North Texas.

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