
My name is Chloé, and I’m from Paris. I have been working in digital marketing within the luxury industry for three years now. What fascinates me about this sector is the ability to combine innovation and creativity while preserving the heritage and history of prestigious brands.

My journey toward luxury marketing wasn’t straightforward, and that’s what makes it so interesting. Initially, I followed a scientific track in high school and then earned a degree in management. However, it was through reflection and self-discovery that I realized my true calling lay elsewhere. This realization led me to pursue a Master’s in Marketing, followed by a specialization in luxury. This journey took time, but it was my passions—photography, art, drawing, and painting—that served as my compass.

I believe there is no single formula for success; every career path is unique. For me, it was a combination of curiosity and passion that guided my way. I have learned that by trusting in oneself and remaining open to different opportunities, we can chart a course that is both fulfilling and impactful.

In my current role as a Social Media Manager at BIRCH, I work closely with the Chief Creative Officer of my company to capture and convey the essence of our luxury event design brand. My focus is on amplifying our presence across social media platforms, crafting a strong brand image, and developing compelling storytelling that resonates with our audience. My goal is to transform our social media channels into a leading voice within the industry, showcasing our creativity and setting new standards in the luxury event design space.

This work is a reflection of my belief that when we align our professional endeavors with our personal passions, we find both purpose and excellence.

Market Research Fellow

career options

The luxury industry offers a diverse range of career opportunities, each allowing you to harness different skills and passions. Whether your interest lies in creativity, strategy, communication, or business development, there is a role tailored to your unique talents and ambitions. Here are some of the exciting career options available:

Brand Manager
Digital Marketing
PR and Communication

Market Research Fellow


What are the main hard skills you use on a daily basis in your current job?

Social Media Strategy Development

Crafting a comprehensive social media strategy is crucial for building brand presence and engagement. I learned this skill through a combination of formal marketing courses and hands-on experience managing different brand accounts. I use it daily to define content calendars, plan campaigns, set measurable goals, and align social media activities with the overall brand vision and objectives.

Content Creation and Curation

This involves creating visually appealing and engaging content tailored to each platform, including photography, videography, graphics, and copywriting. I honed this skill by working with creative teams and learning from graphic design and photography workshops. I apply it to produce content that reflects our brand’s aesthetic and tells a compelling story, ensuring consistency across all channels.

Data Analysis and Performance Tracking

Analyzing data and metrics is essential to measure the effectiveness of social media campaigns. I developed this skill through data analytics training and practical experience with tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and other analytical platforms. I use it to track key performance indicators (KPIs), such as engagement rates, reach, and conversion rates, and to adjust strategies to maximize impact.

Community Management

Engaging with our audience by responding to comments, messages, and fostering a sense of community around the brand. I have built this skill through direct experience in handling various brand accounts, learning how to maintain a consistent tone and effectively manage both positive and negative interactions. This skill is crucial for building trust, loyalty, and a strong brand following.

Visual Design Tools Proficiency

Proficiency in tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Canva for designing and editing visuals that align with the brand’s aesthetic. I learned these tools through self-study, online courses, and by working closely with graphic designers. I use them regularly to create visually consistent and appealing assets that enhance our storytelling and brand image.

What are the main soft skills you use on a daily basis in your current job?


Effective communication is essential for collaborating with different teams, conveying ideas clearly, and maintaining a consistent brand voice across all platforms. I have honed this skill through daily interactions with creative teams, clients, and stakeholders, as well as through public speaking and writing courses. I use it to present strategies, provide feedback, and ensure alignment within the team on our brand vision and social media goals.

Creativity and Problem-Solving

Creativity is key in developing engaging content and unique campaigns, while problem-solving helps adapt to changing trends and unexpected challenges. I developed these skills through brainstorming sessions, creative workshops, and experience managing diverse projects. I use them to generate fresh ideas, adapt content to different platforms, and address any issues that arise, from handling customer complaints to adjusting strategies in real time.


The fast-paced nature of social media and the luxury industry requires the ability to quickly adapt to new trends, tools, and unexpected changes. I have built this skill through experience in dynamic environments and by staying updated with industry trends. I practice adaptability daily when responding to platform updates, shifting priorities, or managing last-minute changes in campaign direction.

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Understanding the emotions and perspectives of our audience, team members, and stakeholders is crucial for creating content that resonates and for fostering positive relationships. I have developed this skill through active listening, observing audience feedback, and working closely with diverse teams. I apply empathy when crafting messages, managing community interactions, and collaborating with others to maintain a harmonious and productive work environment.

Time Management and Prioritization

Managing multiple projects, deadlines, and tasks requires strong time management and prioritization skills. I have refined these skills through experience in juggling various responsibilities and using tools like task management apps and calendars. I employ them daily to organize my workload, ensure timely content delivery, and maintain a balance between strategic planning and execution.


’s personal path

Tell us about your personal journey in

Market Research Fellow


My decision on what to study was not immediately clear to me. I initially pursued a scientific track in high school, followed by a degree in management. However, it took some time and reflection to realize that my true interests lay in the creative and strategic aspects of marketing. This realization led me to pursue a Master’s in Marketing and later, a specialization in luxury. I chose this path because it allowed me to combine my passions for art, photography, and design with the analytical and strategic components of business. It became clear that the luxury sector, with its emphasis on storytelling, heritage, and craftsmanship, was the perfect fit for me.

The journey to landing my current position was not a straightforward one; it required perseverance, adaptability, and a willingness to learn from every step of the process. I knew that securing a role in digital marketing within the luxury industry would be challenging due to its competitive nature, so I was prepared to invest time and effort. I started by researching inspiring the companies, understanding their values, and tailoring my applications to demonstrate how my skills and experiences aligned with their needs.

During my job search, I relied heavily on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn, as well as industry-specific job boards. I attended networking events, connected with professionals in the field, and sought informational interviews to gain insights and advice. I submitted numerous applications—far more than I initially anticipated. There were many instances where I did not receive a response or faced rejections, which was discouraging at times, but I used each experience as an opportunity to refine my approach and better understand what employers were looking for. With persistence and a willingness to adapt, I eventually secured the job by tailoring my applications more effectively and demonstrating my genuine passion and commitment during the interview process.

Reflecting on my journey, I realize that finding a fulfilling job is rarely a linear path. It often requires resilience, patience, and a readiness to seize unexpected opportunities. The experience taught me the importance of staying true to my passions, being open to learning, and understanding that every step, whether a success or setback, is part of a larger process. It’s important to trust that the right opportunity will come, even if it takes time and persistence to get there.

What would you tell your younger you regarding building your current career?

If I could talk to my younger self about building a career, I would tell her to trust the journey, even when the path seems unclear or unconventional. It’s easy to feel lost or uncertain, especially when pursuing a career that blends creativity with strategy. But every experience, whether it’s in a scientific field, management, or another area, contributes to a unique skill set that can lead to unexpected opportunities.

I would emphasize the importance of following your passions, even if they don’t always align with the traditional career path. My love for art, photography, and design eventually guided me toward luxury marketing, showing that interests and hobbies can indeed lead to fulfilling professional roles. I would advise my younger self to remain open to exploring different fields and to embrace each step as a valuable part of personal and professional growth.

Perseverance is another key message I’d share. The journey to finding the right career is rarely smooth and often requires resilience and adaptability. There will be setbacks and rejections, but they are not failures; they are opportunities to learn and refine your approach. I would remind myself that persistence pays off, and each challenge is a stepping stone toward achieving long-term goals.

I'd tell my younger self how crucial it is to build a strong network. Early on, I started reaching out to people in my field, attending industry events, and seeking mentors who could offer guidance. Those connections opened doors I never knew existed and gave me insights that were invaluable. I'd also remind myself to believe in my potential and take risks. I hesitated often, doubting my abilities, but the times I stepped out of my comfort zone led to the most growth. Trusting my own path and staying open to new experiences has been key.

Final thoughts & tips

Embarking on a career in digital marketing, especially within the luxury industry, can be both exhilarating and challenging. It’s a field that demands a unique blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and adaptability. As you venture into this dynamic world, remember that every step you take is part of a broader journey towards achieving your goals.

Embrace your passions and let them guide you. The combination of your interests, whether in art, technology, or communication, can lead to unexpected and fulfilling opportunities. Stay curious and open to learning; the industry is constantly evolving, and being adaptable will help you stay ahead of the curve.

Finally, believe in your potential and remain confident in your abilities. Your unique journey and the skills you develop along the way are what will set you apart. Trust in your vision and stay committed to your goals, knowing that your dedication and passion will ultimately shape your success.

Remember, the journey may be long, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Stay inspired, stay focused, and continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible. Your future in digital marketing and the luxury industry is bright, and the opportunities are limitless.

Chloé Rudez

Chloé Rudez

Market Research Fellow
Open Avenues Foundation
Open Avenues Foundation

Chloé is a Market Research Fellow at Open Avenues, where she collaborates with students to develop innovative marketing strategies aimed at addressing real-world business challenges.

Holding a degree in management and a Master’s in Marketing with a specialization in luxury, she has three years of experience in digital marketing within the luxury industry.

Originally from Paris, Chloé now works In New York City as a Social Media Manager at Birch Event Design, a high-end décor, production and floral company that works closely with clients to bring the spark of an idea to awe-inspiring life. She partners with the Chief Creative Officer to enhance the company’s social media presence by showcasing its creativity and expertise.

Outside of work, Chloé enjoys photography, drawing, and exploring new places for inspiration in her creative pursuits.

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